Postal Rates 1945-2009

047 09-05-1945 – 16-09-1948
local letter

15 kopecks

heavier local letter 1)

20 kopecks

registered local letter

45 kopecks

local postcard

10 kopecks
15 kopecks

(postcard) 2)
(picture postcard) 2)
registered local postcard

40 kopecks
45 kopecks

(postcard) 2)
(picture postcard) 2)
local printed matter

20 kopecks

inland letter

30 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

45 kopecks

registered inland letter

60 kopecks

inland airmail letter

1 rouble

inland postcard

20 kopecks
30 kopecks

(postcard) 2)
(picture postcard) 2)
registered inland postcard

50 kopecks
60 kopecks

(postcard) 2)
(picture postcard) 2)
inland printed matter

20 kopecks

international letter

50 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 30 kopecks

international airmail letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

2 roubles 30 kopecks

international postcard

30 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 10 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble 30 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
2) to the Latvians this difference is enigmatic. Many picture postcards are franked according to the postcard rate; they are rarely surcharged
3) postcard or picture postcard makes no difference here
inland = Soviet Union
048 16-09-1948 – 10-06-1950
local letter

40 kopecks

(local = inland rate)
heavier local letter 1)

60 kopecks

(local = inland rate)
registered local letter

1 rouble

(local = inland rate)
local postcard

25 kopecks
40 kopecks

(postcard; local = inland rate) 2)
(picture postcard; local = inland rate) 2)
registered local postcard

1 rouble
1 rouble

(postcard; local = inland rate) 2)
(picture postcard; local = inland rate) 2)
local printed matter

30 kopecks

(local = inland rate)
inland letter

40 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

60 kopecks

registered inland letter

1 rouble

inland airmail letter

1 rouble

inland postcard

25 kopecks
40 kopecks

(postcard) 2)
(picture postcard) 2)
registered inland postcard

1 rouble
1 rouble

(postcard) 2)
(picture postcard) 2)
inland printed matter

30 kopecks

international letter

50 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 30 kopecks

international airmail letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

2 roubles 30 kopecks

international postcard

30 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 10 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble 30 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
2) to the Latvians this difference is enigmatic. Many picture postcards are franked according to the postcard rate; they are rarely surcharged
3) postcard or picture postcard makes no difference here
inland = Soviet Union
049 10-06-1950 – 01-09-1957
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

40 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

60 kopecks

registered inland letter

1 rouble

inland airmail letter

1 rouble

inland postcard

25 kopecks
40 kopecks

(picture postcard)
registered inland postcard

1 rouble
1 rouble

(picture postcard)
inland printed matter

30 kopecks

international letter

40 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 10 kopecks

international airmail letter

1 rouble 40 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

2 roubles 10 kopecks

international postcard

25 kopecks

registered international postcard

95 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble 25 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
inland = Soviet Union
050 01-09-1957 – 01-01-1960
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

40 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

60 kopecks

registered inland letter

1 rouble

inland airmail letter

1 rouble

inland postcard

25 kopecks
40 kopecks

(picture postcard)
registered inland postcard

1 rouble
1 rouble

(picture postcard)
inland printed matter

30 kopecks

international letter

60 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 60 kopecks

international airmail letter

1 rouble 60 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

2 roubles 60 kopecks

international postcard

40 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 40 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble 40 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
inland = Soviet Union
051 01-01-1960 – 01-01-1961
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

40 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

60 kopecks

registered inland letter

1 rouble

inland airmail letter

60 kopecks

inland postcard

25 kopecks
40 kopecks

(picture postcard)
registered inland postcard

1 rouble
1 rouble

(picture postcard)
inland printed matter

30 kopecks

international letter

60 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 60 kopecks

international airmail letter

1 rouble 60 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

2 roubles 60 kopecks

international postcard

40 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 40 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble 40 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Mongolia, North Korea, North Vietnam, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia at inland rate
inland = Soviet Union
052 01-01-1961 – 10-09-1977
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

4 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

6 kopecks

registered inland letter

10 kopecks

inland airmail letter

6 kopecks

inland postcard

3 kopecks

registered inland postcard

10 kopecks

inland printed matter

3 kopecks

international letter

6 kopecks

registered international letter

18 kopecks

international airmail letter

16 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

28 kopecks

international postcard

4 kopecks

registered international postcard

14 kopecks

international airmail postcard

14 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
2) no difference between postcards and picture postcards anymore
1 new kopeck = 10 old kopecks
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Mongolia, North Korea, North Vietnam, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia at inland rate
inland = Soviet Union
053 10-09-1977 – 01-01-1982
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

4 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

6 kopecks

registered inland letter

10 kopecks

inland airmail letter

6 kopecks

inland postcard

3 kopecks

registered inland postcard

10 kopecks

inland printed matter

3 kopecks

international letter

15 kopecks

registered international letter

47 kopecks

international airmail letter

32 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

64 kopecks

international postcard

10 kopecks

registered international postcard

42 kopecks

international airmail postcard

27 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, (North) Vietnam, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia at inland rate
inland = Soviet Union
054 01-01-1982 – 01-02-1983
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

4 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

6 kopecks

registered inland letter

10 kopecks

inland airmail letter

6 kopecks

inland postcard

3 kopecks

registered inland postcard

10 kopecks

inland printed matter

3 kopecks

international letter

20 kopecks

registered international letter

80 kopecks

international airmail letter

45 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

1 rouble 05 kopecks

international postcard

15 kopecks

registered international postcard

75 kopecks

international airmail postcard

35 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Vietnam and Yugoslavia at inland rate
inland = Soviet Union
055 01-02-1983 – 01-01-1986
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

5 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

10 kopecks

registered inland letter

10 kopecks

inland airmail letter

5 kopecks

inland postcard

4 kopecks

registered inland postcard

10 kopecks

inland printed matter

4 kopecks

international letter

20 kopecks

registered international letter

80 kopecks

international airmail letter

45 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

1 rouble 05 kopecks

international postcard

15 kopecks

registered international postcard

75 kopecks

international airmail postcard

35 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
2) on 01-02-1983 the separate airmail rates for inland letters are abolished
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Vietnam and Yugoslavia at inland rate
inland = Soviet Union
056 01-01-1986 – 01-01-1991
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

5 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

10 kopecks

registered inland letter

10 kopecks

inland postcard

4 kopecks

registered inland postcard

10 kopecks

inland printed matter

4 kopecks

international letter

30 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 30 kopecks

international airmail letter

50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

international postcard

20 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 20 kopecks

international airmail postcard

35 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Hungary, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Vietnam and Yugoslavia at inland rate
inland = Soviet Union
057 01-01-1991 – 01-03-1991
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

15 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

25 kopecks

registered inland letter

20 kopecks

inland postcard

10 kopecks

registered inland postcard

15 kopecks

inland printed matter

25 kopecks

international letter

30 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 30 kopecks

international airmail letter

50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

international postcard

20 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 20 kopecks

international airmail postcard

35 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
the foreign postal rates still are those of the Soviet Union, but Latvia has one-sidedly raised its domestic postal rates
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslavakia, Estonia, Hungary, Laos, Lithuania, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, Vietnam and Yugoslavia at inland rate
058 01-03-1991 – 01-12-1991
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

15 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

25 kopecks

registered inland letter

20 kopecks

inland postcard

10 kopecks

registered inland postcard

15 kopecks

inland printed matter

25 kopecks

international letter

30 kopecks

registered international letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

international airmail letter

50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

1 rouble 70 kopecks

international postcard

20 kopecks

registered international postcard

1 rouble 40 kopecks

international airmail postcard

35 kopecks

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
mail to Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslavakia, Estonia, Hungary, Laos, Lithuania, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, Vietnam and Yugoslavia at inland rate
on 21 August 1991 Latvia officially proclaims its renewed independence
059 01-12-1991 – 01-01-1992
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

50 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

70 kopecks

registered inland letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

inland postcard

25 kopecks

registered inland postcard

1 rouble 25 kopecks

inland printed matter

50 kopecks

international letter

1 rouble

registered international letter

4 roubles

international airmail letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

4 roubles 50 kopecks

international postcard

60 kopecks

registered international postcard

3 roubles 60 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
inland rate for mail to Estonia, Lithuania and the CIS countries
foreign mail is no longer sent through Moscow. Latvia now has foreign postal rates of its own
060 01-01-1992 – 01-03-1992
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

50 kopecks

heavier inland letter 1)

70 kopecks

registered inland letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

inland postcard

25 kopecks

registered inland postcard

1 rouble 25 kopecks

inland printed matter

50 kopecks

international letter

1 rouble

registered international letter

4 roubles

international airmail letter

1 rouble 50 kopecks

registered international airmail letter

4 roubles 50 kopecks

international postcard

60 kopecks

registered international postcard

3 roubles 60 kopecks

international airmail postcard

1 rouble

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
every country outside Latvia at foreign rate, even Estonia and Lithuania
061 01-03-1992 – 10-08-1992
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

1 rouble

heavier inland letter 1)

2 roubles

registered inland letter

3 roubles

inland postcard

50 kopecks

registered inland postcard

2 roubles 50 kopecks

inland printed matter

1 rouble

international letter

3 roubles

registered international letter

13 roubles

international airmail letter

5 roubles

registered international airmail letter

15 roubles

international postcard

2 roubles

registered international postcard

12 roubles

international airmail postcard

4 roubles

particulars 1) > 20 grammes
as from 1 July 1992 Soviet stamps are not valid anymore
062 10-08-1992 – 15-02-1993
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

3 Latvian roubles

heavier inland letter 1)

5 Latvian roubles

registered inland letter

6 Latvian roubles

inland postcard

1 Latvian rouble

registered inland postcard

3 Latvian roubles

inland printed matter

3 Latvian roubles

international letter

10 Latvian roubles

registered international letter

25 Latvian roubles

international airmail letter

5 Latvian roubles
15 Latvian roubles

(Denmark, Finland, Sweden)
(other countries)
registered international airmail letter

20 Latvian roubles
30 Latvian roubles

(Denmark, Finland, Sweden)
(other countries)
international postcard

5 Latvian roubles

registered international postcard

20 Latvian roubles

international airmail postcard

5 Latvian roubles
10 Latvian roubles

(Denmark, Finland, Sweden)
(other countries)
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
1 Latvian rouble = 1 Russian rouble at the moment of introduction (officially 7 May 1992). Latvia’s own rouble is an emergency measure, meant to get rid of the inflation undermining the Russian rouble’s value
063 15-02-1993 – 29-04-1993
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

10 Latvian roubles

heavier inland letter 1)

20 Latvian roubles

registered inland letter

25 Latvian roubles

inland postcard

5 Latvian roubles

registered inland postcard

20 Latvian roubles

inland printed matter

10 Latvian roubles

international letter

10 Latvian roubles
20 Latvian roubles
30 Latvian roubles

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international letter

25 Latvian roubles
35 Latvian roubles
45 Latvian roubles

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international airmail letter
no separate airmail rates anymore
registered international airmail letter
no separate airmail rates anymore
international postcard

5 Latvian roubles
15 Latvian roubles
25 Latvian roubles

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international postcard

20 Latvian roubles
30 Latvian roubles
40 Latvian roubles

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international airmail postcard
no separate airmail rates anymore
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
064 29-04-1993 – 01-06-1995
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

5 santīmi

heavier inland letter 1)

10 santīmu

registered inland letter

13 santīmu

inland postcard

3 santīmi

registered inland postcard

10 santīmu

inland printed matter

5 santīmi

international letter

5 santīmi
10 santīmu
15 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international letter

13 santīmu
18 santīmu
23 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international airmail letter
no separate airmail rates
registered international airmail letter
no separate airmail rates
international postcard

3 santīmi
8 santīmi
13 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international postcard

10 santīmu
15 santīmu
20 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international airmail postcard
no separate airmail rates
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
1 santīms = 2 Latvian roubles. 29 April 1993 is the date the first stamps with denominations in lati and santīmi are being issued
around Christmas there is a special rate for letters in the lowest weight class: 3 santīmi for the Baltic countries, 8 santīmi for the rest of Europe, 13 santīmu for countries outside Europe
065 01-06-1995 – 01-01-1997
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

8 santīmi

heavier inland letter 1)

16 santīmu

registered inland letter

20 santīmu

inland postcard

5 santīmi

registered inland postcard

17 santīmu

inland printed matter

8 santīmi

international letter

8 santīmi
16 santīmu
24 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international letter

20 santīmu
28 santīmi
36 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international postcard

5 santīmi
13 santīmu
20 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international postcard

17 santīmu
25 santīmi
32 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
around Christmas there is a special rate for letters in the lowest weight class: 6 santīmi for the Baltic countries, 15 santīmu for the rest of Europe (in 1996 14 santīmu), 20 santīmu for countries outside Europe
066 01-01-1997 – 01-01-1999
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

10 santīmu

heavier inland letter 1)

16 santīmu

registered inland letter

22 santīmi

inland postcard

6 santīmi

registered inland postcard

18 santīmu

inland printed matter

10 santīmu

international letter

10 santīmu
20 santīmu
30 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe) 2)
(outside Europe)
registered international letter

22 santīmi
32 santīmi
42 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe) 2)
(outside Europe)
international postcard

6 santīmi
16 santīmu
25 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe) 2)
(outside Europe)
registered international postcard

18 santīmu
28 santīmi
37 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe) 2)
(outside Europe)
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
2) rates for A class mail; the rates for B class mail are 10 santīmu, 22 santīmi, 10 santīmu and 22 santīmi respectively
around Christmas there is a special rate for letters in the lowest weight class: 8 santīmi for the Baltic countries, 18 santīmu for the rest of Europe, 28 santīmi for countries outside Europe
067 01-01-1999 – 01-01-2006
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

15 santīmu

heavier inland letter 1)

20 santīmu

registered inland letter

40 santīmu

inland postcard

10 santīmu

registered inland postcard

30 santīmu

inland printed matter

12 santīmu

international letter

15 santīmu
30 santīmu
40 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international letter

45 santīmi
60 santīmu
70 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international postcard

10 santīmu
20 santīmu
30 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international postcard

40 santīmu
50 santīmu
60 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
around Christmas there is a special rate for inland letters in the lowest weight class: 12 santīmu
068 01-01-2006 – 01-01-2009
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

31 santīmi
22 santīmi

(A class mail)
(B class mail)
heavier inland letter 1)

43 santīmi
28 santīmi

(A class mail)
(B class mail)
registered inland letter

67 santīmi
58 santīmi

(A class mail)
(B class mail)
inland postcard

15 santīmu

registered inland postcard

51 santīmi

inland printed matter

20 santīmu

international letter

31 santīmi
45 santīmi
55 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international letter

71 santīmi
85 santīmi
95 santīmi

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
international postcard

22 santīmi
36 santīmi
40 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
registered international postcard

62 santīmi
76 santīmi
80 santīmu

(Estonia, Lithuania)
(rest of Europe)
(outside Europe)
particulars 1) > 20 grammes
069 01-01-2009 –
local mail
local rate equal to inland rate
inland letter

40 santīmu
35 santīmi

(A class mail)
(B class mail)
heavier inland letter 1)

43 santīmi
38 santīmi

(A class mail)
(B class mail)
registered inland letter

1 lats
98 santīmi

(A class mail)
(B class mail)
inland postcard

33 santīmi

registered inland postcard

95 santīmi

inland printed matter

40 santīmu

international letter

55 santīmi
50 santīmu
60 santīmu
55 santīmi

(EU countries; A class mail)
(EU countries; B class mail)
(other countries; A class mail)
(other countries; B class mail)
registered international letter

1 lats 20 santīmu
not possible
1 lats 50 santīmu
not possible

(EU countries; A class mail)
(EU countries; B class mail)
(other countries; A class mail)
(other countries; B class mail)
international postcard

45 santīmi
50 santīmu

(EU countries)
(other countries)
registered international postcard

1 lats 20 santīmu
1 lats 30 santīmu

(EU countries)
(other countries)
particulars 1) > 20 grammes

Czarist Period
  • A.V. Kiryushkin and P.E. Robinson, Russian Postmarks: An Introduction and Guide, J. Barefoot Ltd., 1989
  • N. Jakimovs and V. Marcilger, Postal History of Imperial Russia in Pre-independent Latvia, Framic, 1995
  • V. Hurt and E. Ojaste, Eesti – Estonia – Estland – Philately & Postal History Handbook Catalogue – Philatelie & Postgeschichte Handbuch Katalog, EFÜR/NY-EFS, 1986

Postgebiet des Oberbefehlshabers Ost
  • Harry von Hofmann (ed.), Das Postgebiet Ob. Ost auf dem Territorium der späteren Republik Lettland 1915-1920, Harry von Hofmann Verlag, 2006
  • Stefan Petriuk, ‘Stadtpost Wilna’, Philatelia Baltica, June 1985
  • Jeroen van de Weide and Ton Welvaart, ‘Eerste inflatieperiode in het Generaalgouvernement Warschau en bezet Rusland; enkele woorden over de Duitse inflatie voor Polenfilatelisten’, in: Inflatieperioden en geldhervormingen in Oost Europa, Filatelistische Contactgroep Oost Europa, 2007
  • Michel Deutschland-Spezial-Katalog 1988

  • Nikolajs Jakimovs, ‘De posttarieven van Letland’, Het Baltische Gebied, July 1988
  • N. Jakimovs and V. Marcilger, The Postal and Monetary History of Latvia 1918-1945, own book, 1991
  • Ruud van Wijnen, ‘6 augustus of 1 juli 1919? Over het begin van een Letse portoperiode’, Het Baltische Gebied, July 2001
  • Harry von Hofmann (ed.), Lettland: Die Luftpost 1920-1940/Latvia: Air Mail 1920-1940, Harry von Hofmann Verlag, 2003

Soviet Occupation I
  • Ruud van Wijnen, ‘De Sovjetrepubliek Letland 1940-1941’, Het Baltische Gebied, July 1987
  • N. Jakimovs and V. Marcilger, The Postal and Monetary History of Latvia 1918-1945, own book, 1991

German Occupation
  • Harry von Hofmann (ed.), Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalpostkommissariat Ostland, Harry von Hofmann Verlag, 2001
  • V. Hurt and E. Ojaste, Eesti – Estonia – Estland – Philately & Postal History Handbook Catalogue – Philatelie & Postgeschichte Handbuch Katalog, EFÜR/NY-EFS, 1986
  • N. Jakimovs and V. Marcilger, The Postal and Monetary History of Latvia 1918-1945, own book, 1991

Soviet Occupation II
  • Michel Ganzsachen-Katalog Europa Ost 2004/05
  • Survey provided by Anton Welvaart, 1986
  • Vladlen Aronovich Karlinskii, ‘Soviet Postal Rates’, Rossica 75 (1968)

Independence Restored
  • R. van Wijnen and N. Jakimovs, ‘Letland: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen II’, Het Baltische Gebied, December 1992
  • R. van Wijnen, ‘Letland: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen IV’, Het Baltische Gebied, July 1994
  • R. van Wijnen, ‘Letland: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen V’, Het Baltische Gebied, June 1995
  • R. van Wijnen, ‘Letland: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen VI’, Het Baltische Gebied, July 1996
  • R. van Wijnen, ‘Letland: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen VII’, Het Baltische Gebied, June 1997

If two sources are contradictory, firstly the items known to me are decisive, secondly the most recent source.

My Dutch
